Acquiring the equipment your business needs to grow is easier with Global Funding. Weather you are starting your own business to get control of your future or growing an existing business, each carries a certain amount of risk. The first option that comes to mind for most small business owners is to fund these ventures with your equipment leasing finance company working capital. Unfortunately this is a common mistake that puts your company and your personal credit at risk of financial ruin. What if your industry suddenly takes a strong downturn and you are left with no spare cash to endure such a downturn. What if your client contracts fall through because their industry slows down and you are left with no capital reserves to pay your employees for the projects that ARE generating revenue?
As a small business owner the minefield of financial mistakes is dense and ever changing. By utilizing financing/leasing in lieu of your working capital you can pay off your equipment investment while it is creating profits for your company. This means that you get to keep extra cash on hand - a very wise decision, rather than paying cash for equipment in advance of your return on investment.
Monday, August 10, 2009
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