While designing a web site it is crucial that the site is attractive, fast-loading, user friendly, focuses on your content and has a high stickiness factor to it (that shows how long the visitor stays on your site). Instead of making very complex designs with less content or bare designs with cluttered content, we recommend that you find the right balance between both.
Give importance to Layout and Navigation A clean layout and neat navigation that uses a lot of white space enhances your site's look. Try to keep the focus on your content. That is why we recommend using dreamweaver templates for your site - all pages or a group of pages have one basic design and only the content varies - this way even if your site is a little distracting due to necessary effects, your design is noted once (hopefully with a appreciative eye :-) and then the visitor focused on the content automatically. Read our important article on Web Design Tips before you start designing your site.
If you have too many links then you should use drop-down menus or flyouts for your main topics. If you have Fireworks or Dreamweaver then macromedia drop-down menus are one of their most popular in-built "Behaviors". Otherwise you can use our own copy-paste code for drop-down menus in the article SmartWebby Drop-down Menus (This article is part of our Simple DHTML Guide a collection of copy-paste DHTML snippets written especially for designers). Enhance the Look and Feel of your site Some design elements greatly enhance the look of your site. We have described some of our favorites below. Most of them require Macromedia Fireworks (the graphic editor that we recommend), which generates all the HTML and JavaScript code involved, so all you have to do is go ahead and design a fabulous site!
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