Monday, March 9, 2009

You Can Sure Judge a Business by Its?

Here comes the judge. Here comes the judge. And who is the judge?

Your potential client that is eying up your business online.

So the question is: How does my website size up in the eyes of potential clients? You may not be able to judge a book by its cover but you can sure judge a business by its website.

Take this quick quiz.

Here are 10 quick questions you need to ask yourself when you look at your website that is currently representing your business.

1. Do I have a professional logo? There are so many small business owners who are not willing to spend what is required to get a first class logo made. But when you stop and think a moment. How much is the McDonald's golden arches really worth in dollar value? That puts it in its right perspective doesn't it? Branding online is vital, and great branding essential. Keep it simple, but make it professional.

2. Do I present professionally online? Does your website represent the professionalism that you show in the services you provide or the products that you supply? If it doesn't, and you are afraid to point people to your website because it reflects poorly on you, then you need to invest in a redesign now. The website is your online shopfront. What potential client's see in your website design is what potential clients think about your business.

3. Do I have a simple layout? Don't make your website too complex. Your website needs to be unique. Your website must load fast. Your website navigation must be user friendly. Your message must be clearly communicated. The website must mirror your business, and the technology used must meet your business needs. Include a sitemap on your website as well.

4. Do I have great content? If you are not a writer then hire a copywriter. But whatever you do, make sure that you supply good, clear, and simple to read content that answers the questions that your potential clients are going to have. Include an FAQ page on your website so that you can get most of the potential client's questions out of the road before they make contact with you. Make sure that you have a content management system for your website so that you can readily update this page on a regular basis.

5. Do I tell my story? People love to hear your story. So share it freely. Your About Us page or your Company History page or your Client Testimonials page tell the story of what it is like to do business with you and adds credibility to your branded image.

6. Do I have a range of ways that I can be contacted? Provide an online form. Provide a telephone number. Include your real geographical address so that they know you are a real business. Include a map of your location. Include your photo if you wish so that potential clients know that they are dealing with a real, live human being. Make it easy for them to contact you.

7. Do I have external links that keep people in my website? It is a great idea to open any links found within your website in a new window. That way your visitors will return to your site whenever they have finished browsing the external link.

8. Do I have an online newsletter? Here is another way by which you can create client loyalty. A regular communication with your clients and potential clients will help you to position yourself as an expert in your associated industry. Make sure that you send it out regularly.

9. Do I have a Blog? This is where you can really start to build some great ongoing content for your website and also allow you to receive input and interaction from your clients. Include an RSS feed in here as well and use permalinks. By including a full article RSS feed, you are allowing your readers to digest your content easier and will create loyal readers for years to come. By enabling permalinks in your Blog it will make your URL easier to understand for both search engines and your readers.

10. Do I promote my website? Make sure that you promote your website everywhere you go. Include it in all your offline advertising. Add your url in your Yellow Pages advertisement. Make sure your car signage includes it. Put it on your business cards, your flyers, your invoices, your advertising cards, your staff clothing and in online directories. Put it everywhere and put it on everything as part of your whole marketing strategy to drive more business to and through your website.

So how did you go? What was your score out of 10?

Remember this - that if you want to have a website that is judged correctly, and that you can confidently say is a true reflection of your business on a day to day basis - then make sure you have these ten suggestions operational in your website as soon as possible.

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